Thursday, April 3, 2008

Strep, Strep, Go Away...

and PLEASE DON"T COME BACK AGAIN ANOTHER DAY!!!! They think Jonathan has strep again. I called the nurse on call today and she suggested I bring Jonathan in to see the doc. We won't know for sure for 3 days, but it looks like he has strep again! He just finished his 2nd round of antibiotics Monday and the fever began on Tuesday morning! It is crazy! Good thing though, he is not feeling yucky! I am so thankful for that. His fever is mild most of the time. The doc mentioned maybe having to take his tonsils out, if this doesn't take care of it. That seems so extreme to me since his first case of strep was just two and a half weeks ago. I guess we will wait that one out and see what happens. In the grand scheme of things, strep isn't so bad.


Amy Sasser said...

Nan, so fun to catch up with you all through your blog! Thanks for visiting ours as well. We will have put a link to yours on ours! I hope you all get well soon! Next time we are your way we will let you know!!

Heather said...

YUCK!! So sorry that he still hasn't gotten better! I got my tonsils out at five because of my ears, so I'm with you on the wierd connection!