My eyes have been bothering me while reading lately. They get watery and my vision gets a little blurry. I am destined to have glasses....both my parents wear bifocals. So I caved and got me a pair of reading glasses. I kind of like the way they look!
nice blog! cool, happy family!
I love it. I think you look great! I've always wanted glasses, and have worn fake ones on occasion, just for a different look.=)
I think I'm destined to need them one day, since both my parents do and I spent one too many nights reading in the dark as a child. But so far so good.
I like them! You look good in them! I have to wear reading glasses as well, and my dad without his glasses is legally blind so can't wait to see how my sight changes....
Nan, I've been wearing glasses/contacts since I was in the 3rd grade!! I don't usually wear my glasses unless I have to - I hate them - but I think you're right - yours are very stylish and make you look just as smart as you are!
i think i'll have to go this route soon too. for awhile i thought it was just harder to focus my eyes because of having a baby who didn't sleep through the night so i was always tired. i still notice it though, so my perfect vision must be going.
also,you look adorable!
I think I'm in for it too. I've noticed my vision is a little fuzzy these days. I guess I should check the reading glasses at Wal-Mart.
And to think I laughed at my parents when they got reading glasses. Gulp...that's me eating my words.
BTW, they look very cute!
you look great! I love your hair longer and down --- you look way young in this photo! (not to mention hip --- and not that you look old in any other Bye!)
GIRL!!! those are SOOO cute! i'm excited that you have a new accessory to wear!
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