I've been absent. Been absent from a lot of things it seems. I am making a fresh start today, with lots of things. The biggest of those is school. Jonathan starts first grade at 8am this morning at TWIG (Trusting Wholly In God) Academy. I can't wait for this year....I can honestly say that I have missed teaching him for the past few weeks. Jacob is going to be doing some pre-k stuff: letters, numbers, sounds.
I hope to make a fresh start with blogging also. Manly Man asked me when I was going to blog again...guess now is as good a time as any. I don't really have a good reason as to why I haven't written in a while. I guess I struggle sometimes with feeling like I don't have anything exciting to tell (then again, Jonathan turned six last week and lost his first tooth the week before that and I didn't even get here to mention it!). I also got my nose stuck in some books this summer too. In the last month I have read My Sister's Keeper, The Time Traveller's Wife, Pride and Prejudice, the Twilight Saga (twice...sad huh?), and am starting To Kill A Mockingbird and am in the middle of the Mortal Instruments series. My nose in a book is a new thing for me, but I have really enjoyed it. But it has kept me from here. I don't plan on putting down the books, but trying to find a bit more balance with other things.
A fresh start with the Lord started last Monday. My coffee pot starts brewing at 5:45am and my alarm goes off at 5:55am. Last week, my alarm never woke me up...the Lord woke me up before it went off...EVERY MORNING! But it was a sweet time and I am looking forward to more.
A fresh start at the gym too. I am back at my goal weight, having lost about 20 pounds since the beginning of the year. I wore a new pair of size 6 jeans Friday night while Manly Man played a gig at a coffeehouse. Felt so good! But, I have to get back into the gym, starting tomorrow and get some areas toned and continue working on be healthy.
So fresh starts. Looking forward to it.
9 years ago